
Patents and registered trademarks

A patent registered in more than 44 countries around the world.

Exclusive Distribution Contracts in more than 145 countries.

Exclusive Patent


No limit food

No limit of Sector

Our innovation adapts to all sectors of activity.


The MEUNIER group selected to represent France at the summit EUROPE / CHINA in Paris.

Middle East

A solid establishment in the Middle East.

South America

Installation of the MEUNIER Group in South America.

Project in Russia

Our innovation can be distributed all over Russia.

Since 2014, the Russian embargo, which has since been renewed, bans the import of several European products.

These products cannot be imported into Russia.

Our innovation is one of the few products

who is not not affected by the Russian embargo.

HS Code: identification nomenclature by product.

French gastronomy

is recognized worldwide.

If they are present in your country:

Stand out, become distributor:

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